As with the other Shattered Realm locations we’ve visited in the Season of the Lost in Destiny 2, the Ruins of Wrath hides some strange secrets. These Ascendant Mysteries are longer, more involved story beats hidden within the Ascendant Plane that demonstrate what’s going on this season and why the Ascendant Realm is so important. In the Ruins of Wrath, the Hive-focused Shattered Realm area modeled after the moon, the Hive god of war, Xivu Arath, is up to something, and you need to uncover it and stop it.
There are two Ascendant Mysteries to uncover in the Ruins of Wrath, each tied to one of the beacons you need to align as you’re working your way through the area. Here’s where you can find both Ascendant Mysteries and what you need to do to solve them. Come from Sports betting site VPbet
Lord Of The Undercroft
To get to the first Ascendant Mystery, align the first beacon in the Staging Area, then head to the right side of the area, if you’re back is to the Causeway where you entered the level. This section is the Warbringer’s Tower, and in your previous visits to the Ruins of Wrath, you haven’t been able to enter the structure. As you approach, on the raised platform ahead of the Tower, you should see a lit Hive plate, glowing with green energy. Stand on it long enough and it’ll power up, opening the door in the Tower ahead. Be careful here, as a Hive tomb ship will arrive to attack you while you’re powering up the plate.
Once the door is open, enter the Tower and drop down to the bottom of the shaft inside. Here, you’ll find out what Mara Sov hid in this prison: Scoroboth, Son of Xivu Arath. When you first encounter him, you’ll find this big Hive knight is shielded and immune to your attacks. You’ll need to find a way to break that shield to deal with him.
In the room where you find Scoroboth, look around the corner to the right when facing the big shaft that drops down to the next section of the Tower to find a Barrier blocking a doorway. Grab the Barrier Breach marker by the door and head through to the end of the hallway inside. You’ll find a relic at the end, much like what appears in the Dreaming City Strike called The Corrupted. Grab it, but wait a second before heading back–the big Hive lanterns you just passed will eventually explode, and they’ll kill you if you’re in the hallway you just left when it happens.
Take the relic back and throw it at Scoroboth to knock out his shield, then go on the attack. When he loses about a third of his health, he’ll vanish, forcing you deeper into the Tower’s underground area, the Undercroft. Drop down the next shaft to find him again, where you’ll need to locate another relic.
At the bottom of the next shaft, look for the glowing white orb that is Toland. There’s a big, well-lit room in one direction, and some darker tunnels on the room’s opposite side. Head through the doorway in the darker area and turn right. Follow the path to the end of this hall and you’ll find another relic. Carry it back and you should find Scoroboth waiting for you in the big, well-lit room ahead.
The last relic is in this big room, hidden beneath the stairs where you first enter. Use the Barrier Breach markers in the area and drop down beside the stairs at the doorway to find a small alcove you can enter underneath. Grab the relic there and finish to Scoroboth, and a chest will appear in the middle of the room to cap off this Ascendant Mystery.
Light The Way
The second Ascendant Mystery appears after you align the second beacon. From the location near the beacon, look down over the rest of the area and you should see a strange Hive spire lit with flame in the distance. That’s your destination, so cross to the area called the Debris Field to get there.
When you reach the spire, you’ll find a Major Hive Wizard called a Soulfire Exarch working on some kind of Hive ritual. Kill the Wizard and a flaming Soulfire orb will drop. Grab it, then follow the waypoint to take it inside the structure up ahead of where you found the flaming spire. Follow the path downward, past the rib bones lining the walls, until you hit a small round area with a brazier in the center where you can dunk the orb.
Lighting the brazier opens a bunch of Ascendant portals. Each has a Hive rune above it, and you’ll notice more Hive runes on the walls around the center. None of the Hive runes above the portals will match the ones on the wall, except for one–that’s the portal you want.
Hop through the portal and you’ll be transported to another spire somewhere in the level, with another Hive Exarch waiting for you. Kill it, then go back through the portal to the hub of portals you first opened, and take another Soulfire orb from the brazier you first lit. Go back through the same portal you just cleared and use the orb to light a brazier at the spire the Exarch was using for the ritual. That’ll open up another group of several portals around the second spire. You’re looking for one with a marking that matches one of the marks on the walls of the first round room. Go back through your first portal if you need a refresher on the runes there.
You’ll repeat this process several times, finding your way through a sort of Ascendant portal maze. Go through, kill the Exarch, then backtrack to the first set of portals to grab an orb. Pass through the first portal, then the second, to light the third brazier, and so on. You’ll pass through five portals in total, with the last taking you to a big spire on the Outer Islands that’s covered in a suppression field. Climb to the top, kill the Hive enemies, and take out the final Soulfire Exarch, and claim your chest at the top.
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